Whether it is a speedboat, sailboat, schooner, yacht, canoe, dinghy dory, johnboat, paddleboat, skiff, motorboat, houseboat, tug, shrimper, whaler etc. there is no better charity to give your watercraft to. We do our best with every donation, no matter what is presented to us.
We are aware that many charitable organizations depend on the generosity of their donors to fund their programs. Most organizations are not equipped for the complications that go along with the complex transfer of motorized vessels. We have processed thousands of boats that include center consoles, sailboats, sport fish, yachts and ski boats, We have handled boats that were smaller as well, including small bass fishing boats, personal watercraft and aluminum row boats. We handle vessels of all shapes and sizes because we specialize in donations of boats. We appreciate our donors and we do our best to assist them through the process.
Transferring a watercraft is more difficult than simply writing a check or donating furniture to charity. Boat Angel Donation Center understands the complexities of transferring both USCG documented
boats and transferring boat with state titles and registrations. We also understand the complexities of boats being picked up from storage yards, marinas and private residences. We will do our utmost to make sure the donation process is as smooth as possible. Boat Angel will work to transfer your vessel with a minimum amount of hassle.
Title transfers and lien releases can be complex. We can help you understand these documents and process them with you at the Coast Guard documentation center. We can help you find the forms and apply for duplicate titles and registrations. We can help you execute power of attorney forms and work with you on your state and federal transfers. If you have an inherited boat we can help you obtain the proper forms needed to transfer your vessel from the estate.
We pledge to treat all our watercraft, boat or vessel donors with courtesy. From the first contact to the completion of the process, you can be assured that the Boat Angel staff will do its best by offering every courtesy possible.
Your contribution to us in the form of a watercraft is eligible for a tax deduction. You will be provided with form 1098-C which will enable you to avail of this tax benefit.
Boat Angel donations have been instrumental in providing substantial funding for countless international preschool and grade school aged children in the poorest countries of the world. The areas we have reached include Mozambique, Sudan, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Mexico, Nigeria, Kenya, Philippines and India. We have generously funded educational pursuits, school feeding programs, printing of educational materials and provided for teachers, and computers. This was all accomplished by the sale of thousands of boats, jet skis, trailers and motorcycles. We are thankful to our generous donors.
Boat Angel's literacy program has impacted hundreds of thousands of inmates in youth, state and federal prisons. By converting money received from the sale of boat donations to publishing we have enabled the production of thousands of pieces of religious and motivational materials which have been sent post paid free of charge to prison chaplains and prison libraries in every state of the Union.. The proceeds from boat donations have funded these programs.
Boat Angel has recently provided a birthing clinic where pregnant women may come for medicine and professional clinical child birthing services. Every week children are born with the mothers travelling hundreds of miles to seek out services. They receive childbirth education, formula, as well as much love and kindness. The Maternity Ward is called Barb's Babies.
Boat Angel sponsorship of teachers and trainers has enabled many at-risk youth worldwide and saved them from unproductive lives on the street where youths often engage in dangerous and illegal behavior. Our support of worthy teenage programs have been funded with boat donations. Children and teenagers need guidance and direction to prevent them from entering a life of crime. Help us help them.
Boat Angel produced 13 animated stories that are distributed free to international broadcast and cable outlets. The Adventures of Donkey Ollie which were adapted from many of our award winning films such as Shipwrecked, and Exodus to Egypt, and Circus Maximus. These thirteen 30-minute TV programs are shown nationally, internationally and emphasize love, morality, truthfulness and bravery. These children's programs are full of original songs and make a dramatic impact on young lives. The series is viewed by millions of preschoolers worldwide in several languages and with subtitles. Our programs are airing in many areas of the world....
Boat Angel has recently produced an original feature film hoping to shine the light on the problem of child kidnapping and slavery. The film was completed in August 2010 listed on IMDB and has been shown internationally over a well watched satellite network. Our films are geared to the growing teenage market and are sent free of charge to both high schools and broadcasters.. A Public Service Campaign was created to help prevent future child kidnapping and to add in creating resources to find children that have been kidnapped.
children's ministries that reach children in the poorest areas of Lima and Bangalore. In Bangalore, Gilgal Children's Church provides housing and education to over 165 orphaned and abandoned children. We sponsor programs which bring teachings, morals and messages from the Bible. Many of the outreaches feature shows that are performed and include choreography, games, puppets, dramas, and clowns helping us engage children and keep their attention as they are taught and given memory verses from the Word of God. Hundreds of children are reached weekly at three main services in Lima, and in India children...
Northern Light Orchestra is our Boat Angel Sponsored Project geared to bring a meaningful Christmas experience to families throughout the United States. Over thirty-seven songs were recorded about the Immaculate Conception, the Nativity, the Three Wisemen, all the music was written to help people "Celebrate Christmas." It is our goal that everyone can share the Spirit of Christmas and realize that the Baby Jesus was Emmanuel which means God with us. Free Sample CD's are available by request from our office. Bookings are being sought for the television special show filmed in 2009-2010. Famous singers and guitarists from bands like Sly and the Family Stone, Kansas, Beach Boys...
Children are the Future nearly 60% of our world population is under twenty years old. As the children go so goes the world. The most important thing we can do is reach our children with quality programs and outreaches that will not only mold them into good citizens of our world but good citizens of the Kingdom of God as well. Boat Angel continually reaches out to children through our multiple soccer camp and bible training outreaches using our Donkey Ollie book series. Worldwide there is an increase of out of wedlock pregnancies, divorce, and crimes against children, it is more important now than ever to equip children with the tools of survival. There is no greater tool than prayer and faith in God.
Disclaimer Legal Notice: Potential Donors at this website acknowledge they have not been solicited for donations cash or otherwise directly or indirectly either via e-mail, direct mail solicitations, or any other advertisements by Car Angel c/o Boat Angel Outreach Center or any affiliate within the boundaries of their respective state. This website or the use thereof does not constitute an attempt by these organizations to solicit donations in any state where such solicitations are restricted by state statutes. The use of the website by each potential donor is voluntary, the donation contract is subject to acceptance solely by Boat Angel Outreach Center. Not all donation submissions will be accepted.